Above:Photo by Chad Gruber

12th Annual :: TWO WEEKENDS in 2025

DECEMBER 13th-14th, 2025 10a-4p

Dec 20th-21st, 2025 10am-4pm


NOTICE: Big News!! Due to YOUR feedback, we are hosting the 2025 Holiday Market on TWO full weekends this year! Subject to change due to Public Health Orders and on-going construction at the Rail Yards.

The famous Holiday Market at the Rail Yards returns! Keep it local for the Holidays, enjoy the best of Burque's local small businesses IN-PERSON at the Rail Yards in Albuquerque. Vendors of made-from-scratch delicious food and quality handmade crafts will convene to indulge Albuquerque's locavorian and giving spirit this year for the 9th annual Holiday Market.

The event has been organized by the non-profit Rail Yards Market for over a decade, and brings food, art, and music together for the Holidays. Sample New Mexico's finest cuisine, peruse all the local gifts, and give back to your community at our Donation Station.

FREE Park & Ride from the Zoo

Park & Ride from the Zoo:  Holiday Market Dec 13-14, 2025

Note: Downtown Growers Market is not a partner in the current event. You can visit their website here. 


Applications accepted July 1st-October 1st annually. All prospective vendors must apply though our online application system; we do not accept paper or email applications. Please be sure you fully read our Rules and Regulations and Jury Criteria before you apply. All vendors, new and returning must apply each season:

  1. Create account @ www.ManageMyMarket.com
  2. Fill out our market's application online
  3. Upload all business documents (as applicable) to your online account
  4. Pay non-refundable $29 application processing fee online
  5. Jury will review your application
  6. Applications will be updated on NOVEMBER 1st



From the backyard garden box to the wide  open fields, we present a wide assortment of fresh New Mexico producers of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and plants. Our market accepts SNAP and WIC, so farmers can grow their business, and get their healthy produce to everyone! We specifically seek vendors who:

  • Grow and harvest raw produce in Albuquerque or its 300 miles proximity
  • Utilize pesticide-free, organic, and/or sustainable practices
  • Employ traditional techniques
  • Are willing to collaborate, educate or share their farming knowledge
  • Promote heirloom crop varieties and seed preservation
  • Growers do NOT need a Business Registration


We host the best fresh cuisine offerings and locally crafted food in Albuquerque. Are you a chef with a tasty menu, a food creator with an innovative product, a family with a traditional recipe? We welcome vendors of freshly prepared meals, locally processed packaged products, and food trucks. We specifically seek food vendors who:

  • Prepare food with locally sourced, organic, healthy, and/or ingredients
  • Present a unique and price accessible menu
  • Employ NM traditional recipes and ingredients
  • Collaborate with local Growers & Farms
  • Have a currentBusiness & Processing Facility registration or Food Handler Card depending on product.


Our full vision incorporates healers and makers of products for the wellness of mind, body, & soul. We host Health and Wellness businesses that provide services such as massage, acupuncture, and more. We also seek vendors who make body care products with the utmost attention to local-sourcing, sustainability, and cooperation, and:

  • Make products from scratch
  • Locally source ingredients and/or collaborate with local Growers
  • Use sustainable or fair-trade oils, butters, packaging
  • Do not use palm oils, artificial ingredients or dyes, or made-from-kit components
  • Have an educational or interactive aspect
  • Have a current Business Registration


Local makers, artisans, and crafts people comprise less than 50% of our total vendor presentation. We do have limited space for artisans and creators of price-accessible utilitarian products. We keep a special eye out for quality and relevance seeking vendors who:

  • Create their product from scratch with their own hands
  • Include sustainably and or local  sourced materials
  • Have price accessible products available to low-income families
  • Provide cultural enrichment, education, or collaboration
  • Want to be actively involved in the market community
  • Have mission and values aligned with the RYM's
  • Have a current Business Registration

Vendors products are pre-approved by a jury of community members and staff, and vendors cannot sell anything that they have not made themselves including bottled water, cokes, non-locally packed chips etc..

 APPLICATION open July - Oct 1st

What's the Holiday Market like for vendors? Previous years have welcomed 30,000+ visitors seeking the best local food and handmade gifts.

  • Application is open from July-Oct 1 annually
  • Full details in online application
  • Application processing fee of $29 (does NOT guarantee acceptance, but helps us pay for processing fees and vendor management software)
  • Booth fees range from $150-$250
  • Vendors are graded by a jury panel for acceptance
  • Jury scores determine location and booth size
  • All fees are a non-refundable tax-exempt donation
  • Notifications are sent out via email by Nov 1st.
  • Many more details in application!

Vendors products are pre-approved by a jury of community members and staff, and vendors cannot sell anything that they have not made themselves including bottled water, cokes, non-locally packed chips etc..

Rail Yards Market firmly feels that the following fall OUTSIDE of our areas of interest:

  • NO Resale, imports, outsourcing, antiques, non-handmade, consignment, nor product consultation of any kind.
  • No bottled water or non-locally packaged chips, sodas, etc.
  • NO Prepared foods containing primarily non-health-conscious and/or non-locally-sourced ingredients from large corporations and Big-Box stores.
  • NO Businesses with Drug, Alcohol sales, and/or Political affiliations
  • NO Melt and pour soap. Commercially manufactured lotions and products purchased in bulk that are tinted and scented and resold as handmade.
  • NO Products or foods, such as sandwiches, lip balms, cards, etc., that are purchased pre-made from a manufacturer and re-branded and resold as handmade.
  • NO Products containing Palm Oils and other non-sustainable Oils.
  • NOProducts containing Fragrance Oils and/or other additives (preservatives, colorants, etc.) that are artificial, chemical, and/or carcinogenic in nature.

The market encourages businesses who fall into these categories to apply to other markets so that everyone may find their niche.

Home / Contact Us


10am-2pm, Sundays, May-October

10-4pm 2nd weekend of December for Holiday Market

777 1st Street SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Email: RailYardsMarket@gmail.com
Voicemail: 505-600-1109